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Transform Your Kitchen, Transform Your Health

Healthy Salad

We believe that healthy eating is the foundation of a healthy life. Our personalized meal plans and weight loss program are designed to take over your kitchen and replace all processed foods with healthy and nutritious meals. Our team of experts wants to work with you to create a customized plan that fits your lifestyle and goals. Let us help you become the best version of yourself.


At Viva, we offer personalized services to meet your unique health needs. From weight loss programs to postpartum nourishment, our team will work with you to achieve your goals. Let us worry about all that has to happen for you to have a healthy diet. 


We combine principles from traditional Western medicine and Ayurveda to create delicious meals that are nutrient-dense and easy to digest, exactly what your body needs to heal.


The main nutrients you will find in every meal are:

  • Iron to rebuild blood

  • Protein to repair tissues and support hormones

  • Fatty acids for brain health

  • Vitamins and antioxidants to speed tissue healing

  • Therapeutic herbs and spices to combat inflammation 


We are 100% gluten-free, mostly organic, and always non-GMO. 

Fruits and Vegetables
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